martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

My trip to Santa Marta

I think you have ever traveled toa place of warm weather, in this blog i´m going to talk about my experience in Santa Marta´s city.

December 22(th) 2014 when i went to Santa Marta, i was so happy because i wanted to visit to my family and my friends. I went with my brother and my parents. The trip was at 2:00pm, so we had to be there one hour before. We arrived at time, we did the check in and finally we took off.

One hour later... we arrived and our family didn´t know the we were there, it was a big surprise when we arrived to my uncle´s house and everybody went out and they hugged us.

We were happy beacuse for a long time we hadn´t seen each other. Althought the day of our departure my cousins, my friends were sad. They gave me gifts as a souvenir. My mother is usually very weepy, so she cried with some aunts. Nobody likes farewells!

Santa Marta is a beautiful city, the weather, the beaches, the houses, the streets, the buildings, the people that are very funny. As i had already gone, i know a lot of places from there but not all. I met a beach called "los cocos", the air is abundant, the water is clean and there are many games as "gusanito", it´s a floater shaped like banana that is stranded with a rope and a boat pulling it...Then the boat turns left or right and you fall into the water, the game is suitable for 6 people. I really recomended it, that´s very funny!

OK! the day is about to over and i have to take a rest, so in another occasion i´ll keep telling you my adventures.

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